Sunday, August 9, 2020


Why there is always so quietness after every destruction? From the time of the first human on Earth till now. Whether it is some miry ocean or some sandy desert. Whenever humanity weeps the whole atmosphere seems to accompany as if they feel the same feel as humans. Why people feel bliss in the air when they are happy and utter wretchedness when they are wretched inside? A person who has unfortunately got an ax is in depression. Sitting in his room, the same walls and ceiling of his room that used to make him feel so protected are now encroaching him. Things seem to have been changed frustratingly. I often ask myself ‘’why is it so?'' Is it only the inner tension of a depressed person in the eye of which the whole world appears overwrought? Or there is something else behind it? Do the non-living are able to feel the wretchedness of the hour? Ah! Definitely, they can’t. They are NON-LIVING. Then the memory of my hearing hit it off. Now let me make you repeat what you read ‘’The waves of the sounds leave their imprints on the walls” I heard this sentence about six or seven years ago. The essence of this line has always remained food for my thought. Now I could relate it to my question why is that so? Whenever we’re depressed and couldn’t find peace anywhere. It means that whatever happened to us has also left its imprints on our surroundings. According to research, the activities of human beings leave their impact on these plants. Here I’m not talking about those deforestation-oriented activities. It is all about those human activities in which humans don’t psychically hurt the plants yet they do. How? Let's take an example, the wicked behavior of human beings nowadays from murdering each other to killing and backbiting. In essence,  immoral activities of us whether they are too minor to ignore or too awful to be punished leave an impact on our surroundings. And this effect is definitely worse. These plants and trees suffer (psychologically) from what we do, and they respire the same toxicity that is making our environment too restless to have peace in. Imagine how much and how many times a day we smack our environment as for me there goes not a single minute in which no one in a town isn’t saying any evil. A single word of evil coming out of a man’s mouth costs blighting the whole atmosphere. Isn’t it strange that we are infecting our environment and in return exacting it to sustain its harmony and a cause of peace for us?

Monday, June 29, 2020

Silence of Words

Maybe the tear wanted not to be fallen
Maybe the joy wanted not to be popped
Maybe the day wanted not to be blued
Maybe the breath wanted not to be felt
Maybe the lids wanted not to be blinded...
Maybe the thoughts wanted not to be inked
The mystery
Each thought holds
Maybe the mystery wanted not to be solved
But neither they’re solved
Nor they could be
Maybe the mystery wanted not to reveal
The hollow mysteries that dwell in it! 

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk

A network of tangled veins buried under wearily sculptured visage pulling and grasping the sages of bygone years. A fountain up roaring and thundering underneath the naked sky visited seldom by some skulls, pulling and grasping. A drop of water sprinkled on many a year parched sand, dropped and drank in no instance to its thirstiness, pulling and grasping.  A hearth of clay into it fire burning into ashes, flames and continues, whereupon the clay reluctant to burning procession instead, blossoming its coldness and shine; pulling and grasping.  Those eyes, the eyes of thousands; those eyes, the eyes of none. Those high elevated check bones steeping deep and away out of the dents of the skies and the moons. Those tenacious brown balls built farther and deeper within their separate pale meadows. Those parched lines bulging out of every single brick, completely perpetuated and accomplished, concealing in every possible expression if it would've ever  touched its chateau of antiquity.  

Ode to the Morning Star

                                               Ode to the Morning Star

The night was fading all
The dawn was prevailing all
The pond was all hushing
The water therein was all numb

The sky was all serene
The jungle was all blind
The pool was all thirsty
To the sun, waiting for some  

A duck swimming down the sky
Synching with tranquility of the nature
Like a cotton bud floating in the air
Therein, Quite alone; quiet and alone

Far away from the woods, there were
Fidgety hoofs grounding the ground
Faster and faster with the flying span
A horse ridden man, an untamed himself 

The little silver statue resting
Quiet in the pond broke into  
The perpetual silence as
The water splashes on parched sand  

''Hail Hail Hail!
Poor me, the poor creature like me
Whose meager eyes are never ignored!
Of the beauty that dwells’ in you

Since the time when
these feeble minds & bones were
too weak to protect me
& to survive in this miserable world

Since the time I was a fiddling   
& my nerves used to be weak
Too weak to withstand with
The novel world; the grim; the regrettable
Oh, the Morning Star!
For why oughtn’t I praise you
For which else has the sparkle
Like the one, I behold in you ''

The untamed tamer began
In his infernal wrath & naïve eyes,
 What else world could’ve appeared to him
But a palace of crystal__blind poles; greed collapse

''Sunrises; fortune falls
Who says there is a way My Lord?
Suffered I born; suffered I lived
So it is; so will be forever

The warbler yells each hour
''The most dark exhales; the most light out
 where the stars shine for those;
who work devoid of consoles’

Nay, never they yield no shine to me   

Nay, never I got no glee from them
For what heal could they bring to me?
Broken they’d be called__ poor destiny!

Rich men, satiated, glee all around
Glimpse nature, hey ho, jump all around
Nature shot good omens to satiated ones
Cursed heads like I, left shrieking all around ’’

 The air cycle wrapp’d with hollers
Crafts its way where the silver statue
Sensed the sting of hast and gluttony    
Begun to sing his versatile rather rapt chime 

‘’Thy lord! Bestow my voice with the zeal
So it can be heard in clatter of the World
My words might not become the conqueror
Help me make them among the battalions

''Beauty lies nowhere;
Nowhere but wherein the eyes of perceiver
Hope resides nowhere;
Nowhere but therein the heart of a believer 

Did the artistry of GOD ever suffer?
By the ignorance of those who being
able to see & hear nothing through
Bar the allure of surface __ the mortal surface!

Thou man! Who else it was except you
Who made himself deaf of the message
That beckons to you from the yonder edge
For eyes that are ignorant; the soul shall bear
Forever__  forever __ and forever! ''     

  Why there is always so quietness after every destruction? From the time of the first human on Earth till now. Whether it is some miry ocea...